MedDRA Coding |
Coding within MedDRA is significantly more difficult than with legacy dictionaries such as COSTART. With more than 60,000 lowest level terms (LLTs), MedDRA offers many choices for the same and/or similar medical concepts. The dramatic increase in the level of specificity with MedDRA means your coders must be medically knowledgeable in order to accurately distinguish among the many like choices that MedDRA offers.
ThesIS coders are all medical professionals with practical medical experience as well as a thorough understanding of MedDRA.
Our coders are Registered Nurses who have previously worked in hospitals and clinics. They have the necessary medical qualifications and training to fully understand the medical concept or condition described within a reported term, which is essential for accurate MedDRA coding.
With years of MedDRA experience going back to MedDRA 1.5, ThesIS coders also understand how to search the dictionary to construct the complete list of LLTs to consider.
This combination of MedDRA and medical experience enables them to carefully evaluate among the many candidate LLTs, some which have only subtle differences, to choose the one that most accurately represents the reported medical concept or condition.
Your data may be improperly coded without your knowing it.
The extremely high level of specificity within MedDRA means that your data can be improperly coded without your knowing it.
With so many like LLTs, an inexperienced coder can easily choose an LLT that seems reasonable even when there is a more appropriate LLT available. These imprecise choices may not be readily apparent because they are not egregiously wrong (click here for some examples).
Furthermore, small differences in wording can change what a reported term or LLT means. The proper medical training and an in-depth knowledge of MedDRA is needed to recognize these incorrectly coded terms.
How you code can really impact your analysis.
Often in MedDRA, two or more LLTs that seemingly describe the same medical concept can end up in different system organ classes (SOCs). Seemingly subtle differences in coding can therefore end up having a significant impact on how your data is summarized (click here for some examples).
ThesIS coders ensure that your data is precisely coded so that your analysis accurately reflects the data that was reported.
Don't risk incorrect results from improperly coded data.
Put our experience and expertise to work for you. Entrust your MedDRA coding to ThesIS. |